Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A few names...

This will be a short post. I still need to post from Easter and Halle's 2nd Birthday which was on Easter Sunday but Kyle still has not loaded the pictures from the camera and I have no idea how. Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get some pictures on from both events.

Well, here goes.... A list of some of the names that we like so far.


We would like to narrow it down to about 2 for when we go to the hospital and pick the name once we meet her! There are still a few more written down on a list but I can't find the list right now. So until I find it these are the names that i can remember.


Jeanette said...

I like Carly!

Christie said...

They are so cute! My faves are Claire and Avery.

I know how hard it can be to pick names and get hubby to agree. Not fun. :)

Jennifer said...

I'd cross Avery off the list if it were me...lovin the rest!!! Now...if you DO name her that...well...forget what I said okay!?

Laura and Jimmy said...

cute names. I can't help you narrow it down though.... don't have a favorite...

BTW, the 4th book comes out August 2nd. Here's a link to the countdown.


Kylie said...

Those names are all so cute!! I have a cousin whose little girl's name is Claire, a cousin whose little girl's name is Emery and a cousin whose little girl's name is Kate and a good friend who just named her little girl Avery!! And they are all cute little girls!!!

Jennie said...

I love the name Emery. I have a friend that spells is Emri. So cute.

Also, I saw this name the other day and thought of telling you...Lynlee. I would use it for the next time we have a girl, but it sounds too much like Brynlee. :)

Missy said...

I love Claire & Cate with the rest of your kids cute! Good luck.

angiedunn said...

Hi Skye!

Thanks for the comment! So excited you wanna join the blog-party after the baby comes! I think it's gonna be fun with everyone involved! Just email me if/when you want to be added to the list! Take care & good luck with everything!

I'm totally diggin' your baby names! So cute!

Tanya Leigh said...

I love all the names and think you can't go wrong there :) Personally, I love the sound of Kate, or Cate (however you want to spell it ;) Cute, cute!

And,CONGRATS! Start stockin' up on those cutsie girlie dipes! :)

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Congratulations you won the giveaway from the bloggy giveaways carnival on my blog. If you will contact me at my e-mail aboyagirlandapug [at] gmail [dot] com.

Congratulations on the new baby girl!!

Goodies for Mom said...

You won the Cushie Pushie Breast Support Pillow in the Goodies for Mom giveaway. E-mail me your mailing address and the size you'd like at lois[at]goodiesformom[dot]com.

Christina K. said...

Hi! You won the giveaway on my blog for the birth announcements or the print! contact me at bechristina [at] gmail [dot] com.